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Great founders are usually extreme figures and odd people


( #TODO: the bell curves are nice here)

Companies that create new technology often resemble feudal monarchies rather than modern organizations. Powerful founders can make authoritative decisions, inspire strong personal loyalty, and plan ahead for decades.

We should be more tolerant of founders who seem strange or extreme. We need unusual individuals who can lead companies beyond incrementalism, towards innovation.

Founders are important not because they are the only ones whose work has value, but rather because of their ability to bring out the best work from everyone in their company.

Prominence and adulation cannot be enjoyed without the possibility of it being exchanged for notoriety and demonization at any moment.

The greatest danger for a founder is to become deluded by their own myth (sell themselves what they’re selling to everyone else), and lose their mind.


  • Zero to One, Peter Thiel

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