About these notes

Keep all notes in a single folder


Using folders and subfolders or any kind of note-taking interface that promotes hierarchical structure will face the Problems of hierarchical taxonomies. In the end, you end up with a system that it’s too much overhead to maintain, and you stop the practice: Friction reduces the likelihood of a behavior persisting.

Not caring about structure is incredibly freeing. You just create a new note, and start writing. Default note titles to a UID and think of a name later. Once you have the meat down and the important stuff (i.e. writing the content) is done, you can easily identify what is the note about and name it appropriately. Note titles should be a tiny summary of their content.

Note types help separate insight from general writing to prevent reducing the quality of my Notes as a lifelong thinking partner.

The concept of having a bunch of files all dropped in one megafolder was scary for me initially. Adopting this system was one of the best decisions I ever made for my writing habit.

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Default note titles to a UID and think of a name later

When I sit to write I don’t want to be put in the position to make any premature decisions. I often experienced that thinking about filename, title, where to place...

Note types help separate insight from general writing

I Keep all notes in a single folder because it makes it easier for me to keep my note-taking practice. This combined with the fact that I use Writing as...

Notes Should Be All In One Place

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Notes should be densely linked

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Technical implementation details of linked notes

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